My January.

January has been a month of change. This month I learned that I don’t do well with change. I like to control situations and when it’s something I can’t control I pretty much don’t know how to deal with it. This month God showed me nothing is ever in my control. I think it goes without saying January was a busy month. It’s now mid February and I am just now posting this month’s blog!

Change is not always for the worst.  Aaron and I got the house that will become our home in April once we are married. Words can’t even explain how full my heart is. I would be lying if I told you I wasn’t counting down the days until April 25th (70 days if you were wondering). Wedding planning is getting less stressful and finally seeing most of all the details fall into place. In the month of January I had my first wedding dress fitting which was extremely surreal feeling. We celebrated my dad’s birthday and spent time with my family.

I honestly don’t know how else to explain my month. There is so much I want to say but have no idea how to put it into words. If I were to scan my journal and post the page in here it probably still wouldn’t do the month of January justice. When looking back on January all I can remember is feeling every emotion possible. Excited and giddy about getting the house and one step closer to marriage. Sad for things going on within my family and loved by those around me. On the days I was feeling completely pulled in every direction I found comfort in not only God…but in my family, friends and fiancé as well. One friend in particular has had me over a few times letting me rest and have dinner with her and her family. Rest hasn’t really been possible at my house lately.  I am so thankful for the people in my life. I would have never gotten through this month with out prayer and Grace.

My January.